
Toenail Conditions

Skin Conditions

  • Toenail Fungus
  • Toenail Dystrophy
  • Ingrown Toenail
  • Black Toenail

Toenail Conditions

Toenail Fungus (Onychomycosis)

Fungal nail infections are caused by various fungal organisms, yeast or molds. It is a common condition that begins as white or yellow spots under the tip of the toenail. As the fungal infection goes deeper it can cause your nail to discolor, thicken and crumble. Toenail fungus infection can develop at any age, but it is more common in older adults. There are several different reasons why toenail fungus begins to grow, the most common is a predilection to athlete’s foot.


  • Fungus most common dermatophyte
  • Yeast and molds
  • Reduced blood circulation
  • Weakened immune system
  • Older adults develop cracked nails allowing fungi to enter

Signs & Symptoms

  • Whitish to yellow-brown toenails
  • Thickened toenails
  • Brittle toenails
  • Debris build up under toenails
  • Odor from toenails


Toenail Conditions

Toenail Dystrophy (Onychodystrophy)

Nail dystrophy is thickening of the nail. This can be caused by the toenail continuously hitting the inside of shoe gear or direct trauma from something falling on the nail. Some systemic disease like psoriasis and diabetes mellitus can also cause toenail changes.

These toenail conditions usually do not cause pain, but can cause discomfort if the toenails get to thick or begin to grow into the nail folds causing an ingrown toenail. Before we can adequately treat your thickened discolored toenails, we must first have an accurate diagnosis. This may require sending a sample of your toenail to a lab for further evaluation.


  • Repeated micro trauma
  • Direct trauma
  • Diabetes
  • Psoriasis
  • Lichen planus

Signs & Symptoms

  • Thickened toenails
  • Yellow or brown discoloration
  • Misshaped toenails
  • Discomfort from rubbing in shoe gear


Toenail Conditions

Ingrown Toenail (Onychocryptosis)

This is a very common podiatric condition in which the corner or side of the toenail grows into the skin. This results in pain, redness, swelling, and sometimes infection. Ingrown toenails usually affect your big toe. If you are concerned for infection, contact our clinic immediately.


  • Incurvated toenails
  • Injuring the toenail
  • Wearing tight fitting shoes
  • Cutting toenails too short or not straight

Signs & Symptoms

  • Pain from toenail digging into nail fold
  • Redness around toenail
  • Swelling of toe
  • Infection of tissue around toenail


Toenail Conditions

Black Toenail

Subungual hematoma or tennis toe occurs when damage to the toe causes bleeding resulting in blood clotting underneath the toenail. The pooling of blood underneath the toenail can often make the toe look black. Your toe can become painful secondary to increase pressure below the toenail. It commonly affects the big toe of athletes due to repetitive trauma to the toe.


  • Direct trauma to toenail
  • Poorly fitting shoes
  • Stopping and starting suddenly while exercising

Signs & Symptoms

  • Black or blue discoloration under toenail
  • Tenderness to toenail
  • Feeling of pressure under toenail